Saturday, 10 October 2009


date taken : august 2009

Thursday, 8 October 2009

-for what it's worth-

completely new,
to the game
how can it end
before it even began?

what are the rules?
what's the price?
what if in the end,
all's lost?
who's to blame but yourself?

despite the silent screams
screams of alarm,
we charged
on and on and on,
possessed by an immaculate force
just to turn back to see,
we only succeeded in destroying
nothing but ourselves..

for what it's worth,
what mattered is that we tried
learning to accept defeat
is more difficult
than defeat itself....

walk tall
for you have defeated defeat
tomorrow comes,
forever we will carry the pain
but for what it's worth....
we stayed alive...
we fought for what we believed in,
and we fall....gracefully....

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

-all that matters-

moments like this,
a calm settling feeling...
a soft smile....and a voice that says...
it will all be ok...

very rare moments,
moments i will cherish and remember...
moments when being myself
is something precious...
when doing the right thing
feels better than doing what the heart says...
rare moments,
of content.....

the silence....
is all that matters...
at least for now...

my apology

hadn't been up for writing for some time now...guilty as charged....
today however....woke up with one song in my head....found it on youtube....and been listened to it over and over again......

my apology
-the get up kids-

You'll be accepting my apology
for taking things too seriously.
Sometimes I'm old enough to keep routines,
sometimes I'm child enough to scream for everything.
I broke in two.
You're barely missing me,
I'm missing you and everything you do.
I really do.
My once photographic memory,
for recollection's sake is failing me.
I can't remember for the life of me.
Sometimes I can think to recite
words that I read and rewrite.
My pens paint people that I've proven wrong,
but we move on.
Get a job where I tell all of my accounts
of someone else.
I'm quick enough to judge that they were wrong
and that we knew it all along.
Sing a long long-winded song.
I would be content to hum along.
If I state that my fingers know where to show
what everyone should have know,
I'll let it go.
Hopefully you'll forget the word that I put in print.
My luck,
you'll change and have strength enough to walk away.